So the 21b is coming in the july 20th sobefore they come. I choose the 20 handbagsthat. I would like to share with you 20 handbags from chanel that you can buy after their price increased this month's Chanel justhad, a huge price increase on classic bagsthis huge increase that made a lot ofpeople disappointed. A lot of people tried to saveup to buy a Chanel bag and they just suddenly jumped to another 1000 dollars more.
A lot of people think Chanel handbag is an investment pieceand. I don't want to deny it. I feel like it. Usedto be Chanel handbag, it is. Are investment piece show ever right now that those classical handbagis already reached to the sky high and i reallydon't think that they are still investment piecesif, you really love Chanel handbag, then i thinkyou still have a lot of choice, try to avoid thoseuh classic flap, but you have to Think of thoseclassical flap you're, actually not gon na use itevery single day.
They are not for the everyday touse they're more like occasional. You know Chanelhas a lot of variety style handbags. Some of thehandbags are really classic and really pretty andi think you can consider those handbags buy thebag and you want buy the bag that you love by thebag. It'S a reasonable price from that direction. I choose the 20 handbags for you and some of themin the classic line and some are not they areseasonal bag, even though some of them are classic handbag, they already increased this time, but i try to choose.
The one increase amount is under 500 sothose, 20 bags, all under 5, 000, so 21b. On the firstrelease day, i will definitely bring you to the Chanel boutique to show you actually bags and someslg's. So you can take a look and don't forget to leave a like and subscribe to this channelyes. That'S my little boy set. We will start withthe first one.
So the first pick is the walleton the chain. I know wallet on chain this time alsoincreased, the increase from 2 700 to 3 000 dollarsso already have 300 increase, but i think that youstill can purchase the wallet. The chain Chanel hasa lot of wallet on chain style from the classicto, the boy bagto, the 19 bag.
A lot of choice, youcan choose a different style, has a differentprice, but they are within $ 5000.00, so i think you still can purchase the wallet on the chainthe next bag is the Chanel coco handle Chanel cocohandle has a three sizes start from extra miniand mini and a Large Chanel coco this time, theydon't increase this, so i think that you still canpurchase the the small size, which is the originalmini size still in the 4200 and the large size isthe 4500, which is also under five thousand dollarsChanel coco handle, has the best price point.
Amongthose bags, so i highly highly recommend it for theChanel cocoa handle and on the next one is theChanel mini square and Chanel mini square alsoincreased. At this time, start from the 3800 to 4200they increased 400 dollars, which is within 500limit handbag price. Also within five thousanddollars Chanel mini square, is still can purchaseon the 21b moving on the next one is the Chanelmini rectangle flap. This one also increasesfour hundred dollars is to be four thousand nowit's. Four thousand four hundred dollars, stillwithin five thousand dollars when Chanel classicflap the increase.
They are increased, a lot movingon. The next one is the Chanel mini reissue thisis the bag. I highly highly recommend it right. Nowthis price is the same as the mini rectangle fourthousand, four hundred dollars. I think this baghas, like everything that you need it, has a classiclook.
It'S a full leather line and also i love thechain. I had this one couple years ago and i stilllove it, and i think this is the best i love theleather, it's not the lambskin, it is distressed. Thecalfskin. The leather is very durable because rightnow mini flap, mini rectangle or mini square theyall come lamb. Skin, which is the leather, is verydelicate, but the mini reissue.
I think that theleather is much much durable. So this is the onei highly highly recommend if you really wantedto have a Chanel classic flap. This is the oneyou can consider moving on the next one which is the Chanel newly released this year is the Chanelmini flap with the top handle currently price is4800, and it is very classic look when they firstcome out.
I don't like it at all, but when i lookmore and it's growing on me and this one, you justneeded to keep in mind, they also come with thelambskin and the caviar leather i highly recommendit to buy the caviar leather moving on the nextone is another mini flap. With the top handlesthis style i kind of like it, it reminds me of thecoach bag.
I actually love the style, the only thingi don't like it is the leather. This is a lamb skinleather, it's a smooth leather, the leather may betoo delicated, so just keep in mind and the priceis 200 less than the regular top handle mini flapmoving on the next one. Is the seasonal bag thebucket bag? Now this bag is not that everyone'scup of tea. Some people love it.
Some people justdon't like it. So this is the one i think if youlove this type of the bag. Definitely this isthe time you can purchase currently pricesfour thousand dollars. Moving on the next oneis, the mini flap was handled. I kind of love itand this one they also come with a caviar leatherwhich is very, very durable.
I do love it, and 21bwe're gon na come out the more color which is greenor pink. This one currently price is four thousandtwo hundred, i'm not talking about the seasonalbag seasonal bag come faster than the go fast. Sothis is the bag. I think it will last a coupleseasons, so you can think about it. It'S calleda mini flap bag or the handle, so this bag theyalso come with a two size.
One, it's the mini. Sizeone is a small size, so either size is okay. Andthe price tag also not too bad. The small sizesare two hundred dollars more 400. I think that youstill can think about it.
It'S the small size soyou definitely can think as an everyday bag. It'Sa very, very nice. Next bag is a small flap bag. Andnow this bag definitely is a seasonal bag and thecurrently price just hit 5 000, and when you seeit, you know this is a seasonal bag. Interior is afabric.
They also come with a caviar leather thisone. Definitely you can consider it doesn't havethe classic flap vibe next bag is a mini, flap bagit is tweeted and the currently price is fourthousand dollars. They do come with a couplepatterns. A couple color you can take. A look at theprice tag is not too bad.
Moving on the next one, isanother mini flap bag, and now this does look likea mini square, but it's a little bit. Differenti, don't know this. Bag is gon na stay longer or oneseason to see them just disappear. Kind of like amix. There was the 19 bag.
It'S not my favoritei just want to put it here. Maybe someone willlove this currently price is 4 900
And next onealso mini flap bag, chanel seasonal bag. They don'treally have a good name. Everything is a flap bagmini flap bag, small flat bag. So this is the onethat from the 21a burgundy color.
It is the calfskin very durable entire price is 4400.. This bagthey also come with a two size: the small sizesof four hundred dollars, more four thousand eighthundred, as you can see, is the black and the 21bthey also come with the different colors.
So youcan check it out, i believe, with the 21b they alsohave the green color and the style the chain iskind of like a mix with a 19 bag, so definitelyyou can check it out this bag. Moving on the nextone is the small vanity case.
This is the one ithink i love for the style. The vanity case is soso pretty, so you can also check it out this piecethe counter price to 4800. Next one is the 21a theyjust come out the clutch. Now i don't know the 21bwill come out more color. I haven't seen in the 21bthis bag, yet so maybe it's just not in thepicture, maybe on check the boutique may have itthis is another piece: the price currently price, isfor salmon 100
Last one i want to talk about isthe Chanel shopping tote.
This is the bag. Thatyou also can consider. I had this bag beforethis bag that you just needed to be careful. Whenyou choose the color. I will highly recommend thechoose a light color.
I did have denim dark. Bluecolor, when the wear and the tear showing up butit just really obviously so try to choose a littlebit of light color, even though, when you show thewear tear, it won't be too, obviously around like3 500 to 4 600.
So it's still under the 5 000range, so yeah. Those are other handbags that ipicked for the 21b, that you can take a look someof the bags they came from the 21a and i believethey still continue to carry in the 21b justcome more colors, so yeah, that's it! Don'T forgetto subscribe to my channel and i post a videoevery week hope you guys enjoyed this video andi will see you very soon have a wonderful day.
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