So there's been lots of leaks, aboutthe, iphone 13 and 13. Pro designs likedummy models. However, a new report might havejust shown us what the final design could belet me show you the latest on thisreport and also the latest on theiphone 13 pro release date and price.
Witha summary of everything we know so far: Hi it's Matt here so welcome. If you are new hereand welcome back.
If you follow my videos alreadyfor everyone new, this video will be giving youthe latest leaks or reports. First, followed bythe release date and then a summary ofthe iphone 13 models with the pricesalso as there's the reports coming in now, forboth the iphone 13 and the 13 pro models. Theseleaks are split into two videos now so moving onit's now july, and it's been a month since wwdc wenow have public betas for all of apple's new os'sincluding ios 15.

Ios 15 is giving iphone usersnew facetime features and imessage changes to namea. Few, however, expecting a few more software tweaksfor, the iphone 12s or the iphone 13 and for themto be married up with the new hardware put insideso.
Let'S first talk about that report of whatlooks to be the final design for the iphone 13 proand you'll see why in a moment, so this year, likemost years, the upcoming iphones are perhaps themost frequently leaked handsets out there butwhile we're used to seeing, renders and dummiesof the Iphone 13 range, the latest leaks, it seemsto be a little bit different banks.
A chinesesmartphone casemaker has shared photos of iphone13 chassis models on weibo. What is basically achinese social network. If you didn't know theseare a bit like the non-functioning dummy, unitsthat, we've seen elsewhere, except they show thesupposed shapes of the iphone 13 range, not thecomplete, finished appearance.
Now these may lookdull and boring, but they do tell us that phonecase makers are using this template to create thecases, for this design. Apple does share out theirdimensions to certain accessories companies, tomake cases or other accessories for their devicesahead of time before apple launched them and thisis.
What we believe that we're seeing right, herethe 13 pro design, is quite evident, tobe very similar to the 12 pro modelshowever, the camera module square does look alittle bit bigger and it's also been reportedthat. The overall size is to be a little bit morethicker for a slightly bigger battery. Insidethe same is said for the normal iphone 13 modelso. This is the 30 normal and also the 30 minibut. The main difference is how the camerahas changed to be diagonal in the module.
Nowthe main thing to take away from this report: isthat, we can see how the designs are now lookingand, also the accessory makers of starterproduction on accessories for the new iphone 13models, so they are on their way now.
Two additionalthings quickly, just to point out as well, is thatwe've had a new report from john prosser recentlyand he's changed his mind and calling the newiphone the iphone 12s and has now backtrackedhimself on this, and this decides to call it theiphone 13.
Instead, what a lot of other leakers arealso saying and also something i mentioned in myother previous iphone, 13 video i've said thisbefore, but the name is still up for debate. Buti cannot deny that more leaks and reports referto the iphone as the iphone 13. So for now, i'msticking with the iphone 13 name until we get moreleaks or reports that say so otherwise.
This alsoleads me on nicely to say that all reports, andleaks that are coming through are not 100 proofthat. They will come true for the new iphone. I canonly present to you what i've been told and shownhowever. If you're watching this video, then you areas curious as i am in knowing what is going to besaid about the next iphone anyway. So right, nowthis channel is doing a giveaway at the momentand.
It is for. This is for a macbook pro m1 andi'm going to be giving this away to one luckysubscriber. When we get over 200 000 subscribers soif, you want to be in a chance to get your hands onthis backboard pro. All i'd like to know from youguys in the comments below is what apple gear doyou plan to get in 2021, maybe you're planninggetting a new iphone or a macbook or even anipad. For example.
Let me know in the commentsbelow and when we get over 200 000 subscribersi will be revealing, who the winner is butmake. Sure you subscribe to this channelhit that notification bell, because when weget over that 200 000 mark you'll want toget the notification of that video of when iannounce who the winner is and it could be youat the same time as well.
You'Re feeling good andgenerous hit that like button at the same time, forthis video, so that is the latest on leaks and alsothe giveaway. So let's do the release date. Nextso last year, due to the pandemic, it was reallythe.
Only year we haven't seen a flagship iphonereleased in september in the last five years orso. However, with leaks flying around that apple hasstarted production on the new iphone earlier thisyear, it is likely we'll get a september releasein fact many reports are already showingthat.
This is going to be the case in 2021with, an expected september or early october launchfor, all the iphone 13 models. Wed bush analyst danives believes that the iphone 13 range will beannounced during the third week of september. Timethat would be a little later than usual.
Sinceapple tends to launch iphones in the firstweek or second week of that month, but thisinformation does suggest that we may be seeingthe iphone 13 release date as september 24th. Ishould point out. This is a fairly good guess.
Andit'S, based on taking i's prediction at face, valueapple typically holds its iphone launch event ona tuesday with pre-orders, then starting on thatsame week on the friday, then after this, the firstwave of iphones typically arrive in customer handsthe following friday. After that, so this means ifives is correct.
We could be seeing the iphone 13launch on september 14th, then pre-orders, openingon september 17, and then the release of the iphone13 on september 24th. However, at the end of thisyear, we will also see other apple events for otherapple products like macbooks, ipads, apple watch, andairpods and loads.
More and if you want the latestinformation about these products, do check out myother videos on this channel and make sure you hitthe subscribe button and the notification bell toget the latest info about them.
So next let'stalk about the iphone 13 pro model prices andthe best way to do this is to give you a summaryof what we know so far for all the models let'sstart with the summary of the iphone 13 pro as isaid, many more leaks will come along and They'Llbe added to this list, this was subject to changeas. It were, but this is everything we know so farand, also in all my other videos coming up inthe future for the iphone 13 pro models, if thereany kind of leaks, that kind of link to any of theinformation.
Here i will go over those leaks, againso. First of all the screen, it will be a 6.1 inchscreen, just like the iphone 12 pro and it will bean ltpo led display. This is a slightly differentkind of display that we have like inside theiphone, 12, the iphone 11 and below that for an oledisplay, but, like i said, other leaks are coming into talk about that further on in other videosbut. The resolution of this display is 2532 by1170.
Also, at the same time as well leaks areshowing that we are most likely. Finally, this yeargoing to be getting a pro motion display and whatthat basically means in normal language is a 120hertz refresh rate display.
So this basicallymeans that the display will refresh itself120 times per second and finally, the iphone 13pro would have caught up with kind of androidrivals. That also give this option right: nowfor storage, we get 128 gigabytes, 256, gigabyte512 gigabytes and for the first time, one terabyteof storage, as according to some new leakswe're, also guessing the a15 bionic againother leaks have talked about this and thespecifications. Behind this actual chipset and italso comes with 5g connectivity, however, apple willbe borrowing a qualcomm 5g modem, again just likewhat.
They did in the iphone 12 models again. Thisiphone can be equipped with six gigabytes ofram, just like the iphone 12 pro and also havea stainless steel body frame. What again is verysimilar to the design we've got on the 12 probut, as leaks have told us, the actual frame will beactually slightly thicker to accommodate a biggerbattery.
What i'll get on to in a moment on therear, we will have a triple camera and lidar sensorand, as leaks are shown already, there's gon na belots of changes and modifications to those camerasetup on the back of the actual iphone 13pro, then for battery size we get A bump upover, the iphone 12 pro in the latest leaks thatwe've had and we're going to be getting a 3095milliamp battery now for prices. The leaks are abit over the place to be fair, so i've taken thisfrom one reference, so this could change.
Subject: tocloser to the launch of the actual iphone 13 proso starting out we're going to be getting a128 gigabyte option, but we'll start at 1049dollars, 256 gigabytes for 1149 us dollars, 512gigabytes for 1349 us dollars and then finallyone terabyte for 1549 us dollars now moving on tothe Iphone 13 pro max.
There are a lot of sharedfeatures with the iphone 13 pro, for example, likechipset and ram size. What i'll get on to in asecond, but one of the main big differences hasgot to be the screen size. So again, we're goingto be getting that sort of 6.78 screen and it'sgoing to be an ltpo oled display and again thisis that new type of screen technology.
What idiscuss, with the iphone 13 pro the resolution, onthis display, is going to be 2778 by 1280 and againit's going to be finally getting a pro motion. 120Hertz display, as many leaks have shown, this againstorage sizes are very similar to the 13 pro wherewe get 128 gigabytes. 256 gigabyte 512 gigabytesand.
Finally, a one terabyte storage option, as wehave seen in previous leaks, we're also gettingan a15 bionic chipset again what i've spoke, aboutand saying that we've had lots of leaks and lotsof details about how that's all gon na work. Andalso 5g connectivity with an actual modem, borrowedfrom qualcomm inside it again six gigabytes of ramagain that stainless steel frame body verysimilar to the 13 pro max.
But, like i saidit's like in the 13 pro it's gon na be slightlythicker according to some new leaks because it'sgoing to accommodate for a bigger battery insideon the rear. We do have that triple camera andlidar sensor and all of those different bits.
Andpieces have been upgraded, as we've seen in leaksand, then again, battery size is going to be biggerat, 4 352 milliamps for price again starting withthe 128 gigabytes storage option. It'S going tostart at 1149, us dollars; 256 gigabytes for 1349, 512 gigabytes for 1449, us dollars and finallyone terabyte the newest storage option for 1 649
So, as per usual with this list, offeatures i'll be keeping it updated. Asmore leaks come on in all theway up to the iphone 13 launchwell.
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