So today, let's talk about the 14-inch macbook pro release date and priceand also that brand new mini led display. Okay, let's just stop here for a second let'sbe, honest leaks and reports. Let us down telling us that. We were going to be getting new macbooks atwwdc this year. Now i've had the flack in commentsthat the reports and the leaks that I showed youkind of.
Let you guys down and i've apologizedin previous articles for this - that if i had feltlike i'd, let you guys down. I'M really sorry aboutthat, but, let's be honest, the smaller macbook prothe higher tier version of it hasn't been updatedfor over a year now and we're also approaching thehalfway mark with the apple silicon journey.
Timcook said that the journey was going to be twoyears long, and this was this time last year, checkthis out and for the customers. We expect to shipour first mac with apple silicon by the end ofthis year, and we expect the transition to takeabout two years.
If you are going to do that, you may as welljust go right now. However, let's keep everythingpositive here. I'Ve got some more information. Thati want to share with you for the new macbook pros. So let's cue the intro and also let mereveal all the details for the brand new macbookpro 14-inch, including the release date and price.
But if you've justskipped the first minute of this article. As you havejust noticed, i've just started to show renders nowgo back and re-watch it again, because it is reallyimportant that you do, but anyway, going forward. Ihave decided for all the new macbook pro 14 incharticles like this one.
You are watching i'm going togive you, the latest details on specific reports, ofinfo that we've been told, then details of theplanned release date time than the summary ofthe models that are going to be released, withall their features that we've learned in previousleagues after i'm going to reveal My wish list asit were for the macbook pro 14-inch and also putin the comments below of what features you wouldlike to see in the new macbook pros and maybein.
My next article, i may feature your comment: anddiscuss my thoughts around it, but let's jump rightin, then with the new macbook pro and let's see ifwe're going to be getting a mini, led xcr displayput inside the brand new 14 inch model. So first ofall, we already had an apple product that does havea mini led display, also known as the xdr liquidretina display. This product is the 12.9 ipad proand. The display on this is absolutely stunningif.
You haven't seen this display in personi would recommend. After watching this, article godown to your nearest technology store and checkout display on this ipad, as it is truly amazingwell. The good news there is there's been a fewleaks about a mini, led display, also known as thexdr liquid retina, displaying being added or boltedonto the upcoming 14-inch macbook pro and also the16-inch model as well.
The report has come in froma, great analyst, leaker minty quo on imore, who hassaid again, we reiterate our previous predictionthat. The newly designed 14 and 16 inch macbookpros will be equipped with mini, led displaysthat will enter into mass production in 3q.
That, basically means the third quarter of 2021and. By the way i don't know what he means by we iwas referred as minchi as one person, so don't knowwhere. We'Ve come from, but anyway ming chi, kuo hasbeen known for great predictions on his reportsand. It does seem quite logical that the new ipadpro m1 having this display it makes sense thenew pro macbooks will also have this technologyas well. Equipping a mini, led display into themacbook 14 and 16.
Inch pro would benefit the greatbattery life that already exists in the currentmacbook pro models, however, colors and contrastwill be far brighter and the color palette wouldalso be expanded with much more color depth. Andvariants inside it, it is definitely somethingto, be excited about for the new macbook proshowever.
I will comment that this also leads meon to say that all reports and leagues are not100 proof that they will come true for new maplike. I said the beginning of this article. I canonly present you what i've been told and shownhowever if you are still watching this articlethen you're as curious as i am in knowing whatis being said about the new macbooks anyway.
Sorelease date is next, so it's very likely thatthe new macbook pros are coming this fallbut. When, specifically, is the big questionnow. A new look has come from digitized withtheir claim that the macbooks will be announcedin september this year, but right away, i'm jumpingright in there september, apart from the exceptionof last year, due to covered like again, is a bigexception normally september time.
An event whathappens, then, is for the apple watches and mostimportantly iphones, so for apple to bring thisout at that time would be very strange. However, itdoes say that apple will announce the macbooks andto be honest.
In the last years we have had manyof apple's products announced and not launchedabout, three or four weeks later, so this would fallinto october territory. Remember the last time wegot, an overall design refresh on the macbookpros was in october 2016.
So as a possibilityfor this, but the exact date, with the exception, ofthe covert launches in 2020 of the new m1 max allprevious, full releases of macbooks have come atthe end of october, and this has always been inthe, mid 20 numbers or even the first or secondday into November and it's always been a fridayin fact, another leaker dylan has also said at theend of october early november. Time is on the cardsso based on this info and remember this ison facts of other full-time macbook. Releasesso remember this is not written in stone.
We couldand i'll say that again could see the new macbooksin our hand on october 22nd or october 29th butif. We get a firm date. This, of course, will changebut for now. This gives you a good time to base onwhen. The release will be so right now.
This channelis doing a giveaway at the moment, and it is forthis, is for a macbook pro m1 and i'm going to begiving this away to one lucky subscriber when weget over 200 000 subscribers. So if you want to bein a chance to get your hands on this backbone, proall i'd like to know from you guys in the commentsbelow is what apple gear.
So it's possiblethat what you're seeing here is going to changeover the next coming weeks or months as we getmore leaks and reports coming in, but let's beginso the new macbook pro 14 inch is most likelygoing to be getting that brand new xdr liquidretina display like what we Get inside the ipadpro right now it will be a mini, led displayand with that we'll be getting a resolution ofaround 2752 by 1720, and also if it's like the xdrliquid retina display that exists right now, likein the ipad pro 12
9 inch, it will also come witha pro motion display what means it will have a120 hertz refresh rate for storage options, itwill start at 512 gigabytes and go all the way. Upto 4 terabytes for the actual chipset inside itit is looking likely that we're probably goingto, be getting an m1x chipset inside and thiswill be a 10 core cpu setup, and this will give useight performance cores and two efficiency coresand.
Then there will be an option between a 16 anda 32 core gpu, depending on how much ram you pickand talking about ram, there's going to be achoice between 16 to 64 gigabytes of ram andit's seeming likely that if you do pick the32 gigabytes or the 64 gigabyte Ram optionthis will give you the 32 core gpu option, there'salso going to be a brand new design exactly inthe day, we're increasing up to a 14 inch designand.
It'S all going to look completely differentwe're going to have an aluminium body with macbookpros have been made out for many years for portswise we're going to be getting the mag safe, it'sgoing to be returning at last in a brand new wayso. It'S really exciting to see to come backto the macbook pros, because it's a great portwe're also going to be getting three usbcthunderbolt.
4 ports will also be usb 4 compatibleand. We'Re also going to be getting return of. Ahdmi port will be hdmi 2.1 and also an sd cardport as well. That'S going to be returning back tothe macbook pro for the actual webcam we're goingto be getting that center stage.
Webcam, like weget on the new ipad pros right now, and this is a12 megapixel camera in the middle of your macbookpro for battery life. We'Re expected to be gettinga 6068 milliamp battery inside it, so that shouldgive us a really good battery life especiallymixed with the brand new apple silicon chipsetso prices wise.

These are based on the lowest specmacbook pro 14 inch. You can get because you canchoose the different kind of storage options, andrams and bits and pieces all the prices, sortof change, so i've just basically based all theprices on 16 gigs of ram and then going upwith the storages. So starting with the 512gigabyte of storage.
It will start at 1, 799 usdollars, one terabyte will be 1999 us dollarstwo terabytes at 2, 399 and 4 terabytes at 2 2999us dollars. So that is a summary of the macbookpro 14-inch. However, for my thoughts and wishesso, my main wish is basically the same for the16-inch macbook pro and it's to do with the actualprice. Now over the years. The 13-inch macbook prothis is what we've got right now: includingthe higher tier version of the 13-inch modelhas gone up and creeped up in price.
Quite a bitthe higher-tier inch model right now. What theystill sell from apple starts at 1, 800 and if wego back about eight years ago, so it starts at 1400 and i'm just hoping that apple can atleast keep the same price this year, roundfor this brand new macbook pro and not increasethe price.
For this next generation, but let meknow in your thoughts below if you agree, withthis or not and write in the comments as wellwhat your wishes would be for the new macbook pro14-inch. Well guys, it's also time to wrap up thisarticle. So if you've enjoyed watching it, please makesure to like the article and at the same time, if youwant, to hear the latest apple news.
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